December 3, 2020
Acupuncture and Opioid Addiction

The opioid epidemic in our country is very serious and over the past decades, there have been several public deaths due to opioid and other prescription drug overdoses. Celebrities such as Prince, Heath Ledger, Anna Nicole Smith, and Tom Petty, to name a few, all died of bad combinations or overdoses of prescribed medications. According […]

November 20, 2020
Holiday Bonus Notice

Hey Y'all- Please remember we are closed next week for Thanksgiving. If you have an emergency, please contact your PCP or 911. Sarah will check the messages daily and return any of immediate concern promptly. If you start feeling ill and need herbs, please call and we can arrange a pick up for you. When […]

February 5, 2020
Electroacupuncture & Pain

Electroacupuncture proven to help with a variety of conditions.

October 30, 2019
Acupuncture and Kids

Most kids, as well as a lot of adults, are afraid of needles. So the pairing of acupuncture and kids might not be an obvious one. However, more and more parents are seeking alternative methods of treatment for their children, because our conventional medical system is faltering a bit. Pharmaceuticals are proving to be more […]

August 19, 2019
Acupuncture vs Morphine for Pain Relief

In 2016, the American Journal of Emergency Medicine published a study that looked at the efficacy of acupuncture in managing acute pain for patients in the emergency room when compared to intravenous morphine. The researchers studied 300 patients who presented to the emergency room with acute onset moderate to severe pain. Half of them were treated with […]

August 5, 2019
Five Reasons to Get Acupuncture for Low Back Pain

Statistics show eight out of 10 people will experience low back pain at some point during their life. Seeking medical treatment for back pain is very common. Typically back pain is fleeting and can be easily resolved with rest, heat and an occasional anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen. However, once the damage is done, the recurrence of […]

May 23, 2019
7 Ways Acupuncture Can Help Men's Health

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete medical system that has been around for nearly 3,000 years. It combines nutrition, herbs, acupuncture and other modalities to help keep the body functioning properly, while also treating any ailments that might occur. TCM has been used to treat both men and women, regardless of their age, and […]

May 2, 2019
Using Acupuncture to Treat PTSD

Any situation causing emotional, physical or mental trauma can result in PTSD. In the U.S. alone, it is estimated around 24 million people are affected by PTSD. That means there are a whole lot of people who need help coping with the disorder. Luckily, Traditional Chinese Medicine offers hope for those people.

October 3, 2016
7 Reasons to Seek Out Acupuncture

Do you ever feel your life's a ride that won’t ever stop? How many nights do you wait for Mr. Sandman to magically appear? How often do you truly take time for yourself? Do you have aches and pains almost daily? Are over-the-counter or prescription medications controlling your life? When was the last time you […]


Mon:  9:00am - 5:00pm
Tue: 11:00am - 6:00pm
Wed:  9:00am - 5:00pm
Thu: 9:30am - 5:30pm
Fri:  10:00am - 2:00pm
Sat:  10:00am - 5:00pm
Sun: Closed
Si Shou Acupuncture and Wellness, PLLC
5424 W US Hwy 290 Service Rd Ste 106 
Austin, TX 78735
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